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Salt Swap (Sole Recipe)

Salt swap: Why you should probably swap your normal table salt for Himalayan salt(HS).

Normal Table Salt vs Himalayan Salt

Himalayan salt, if you haven’t gathered from the name, is from the Himalayas. It is thought to be the purest salt on Earth. The crystallised salt beds were covered in lava and thusly untouched approximately 200 million years ago (the sources have confirmed this).

As opposed to normal salt, which has most of its minerals stripped away by processing and bleaching, HS is packed with trace minerals and elements. A person that uses HS intakes less sodium that a person using normal salt, so if your doctor has been telling you to lower your sodium intake this may be a good time to switch over to the pink side of salt. Normal salt is treated with anti-caking agents that also prevent dissolving within our system leading to build up and then deposit in organs and tissue (And you wonder why your body was shutting down?). This prevention of dissolving also causes salt cravings as the body is not getting its required salt intake and thus we end up consuming more salt than we need, causing severe health problems. Because of its structure HS is easily absorbed by the body meaning you won’t be craving as much salty stuff as before and you won’t have a sodium overdose.

Here’s what HS can do for you:

  • Increases hydration

  • Regulate water content both inside and outside of cells

  • Balance pH in cells

  • Reduce acid reflux

  • Prevent muscle cramping

  • Aid in proper metabolism functioning

  • Strengthen bones

  • Lower blood pressure

  • Help the intestines absorb nutrients

  • Improve circulation

  • Detoxifying properties

  • Aiding in vascular health

  • Reducing the signs of aging

So, it’s quite clear from the list above that we all need to go pink!

The winning salt!

Here is a Himalayan salt recipe to try...

Sole Recipe(pronounced solay)

-Put himalayan salt in a glass jar or jug until it's a 1/4 way up

-Fill with distilled water

-Cover with plastic lid (never use metal it will rust as it is oxidised by the salt)

-Let it sit overnight

-Every morning mix sole with a glass of room temperature water and drink

-Continue to add more salt and water to make more.

Sole is supposed to help with hydration, body detoxifaction,boosting of energy, improving digestion,improving blood sugar,healthy skin,hair and nails bone health, weight loss and muscle cramps. I got the sole recipe here.

In South Africa I have seen it at Dischem, Pick and pay, Clicks and other health stores or pharmacies. You can also purchase it on-line.

Have you tried using Himalayan Salt? What has it done for you? Comment below…

Let the truth set you free.


The NutriQueen


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